Friday, August 27, 2010


Finally..we are holding our boy!!
It's been a week since he was born last Friday on 20th August at 7.59am.
We stayed at the hospital for 6 days, we tried to make the most out of it :)

It was such a mixed feeling when Indra and i were driving to the hospital on Friday morning. We realised at that moment that we will go back from the hospital bringing the baby. It's no longer 2 but 3!
We arrived at 6am and i was the first on the operation list. As much as i tried to prepare myself, i was so nervous, sitting on the hospital bed waiting for the nurses and doctors to come.
Then a nurse came and prepare me for the operation, i changed into operation gown and they brought me to the theatre. Indra was with me all the time.

Somehow, operation theatre is always cold and freezing, not sure because of i was so nervous or what. I remember Indra held my hand when the doctor injected the spinal block on my spine, that was painful!
The operation only lasted for 30 minutes, they managed to take out the baby in probably 20 minutes. I heard baby Ollie screamed so loud the moment doctor pulled him out. I cant describe my feeling at that time, so weird that the baby is mine. I never thought that i would be able to have one, my own. Soon after that they showed me the baby, and he was still purple and blue and swollen :P.

When they finished cleaning baby Ollie, they put him in my arm, and he kept crying so loud. I didn't know what to do so i just hold him. The next 6 days at the hospital was a whole new experience and learning curve. We learnt how to care for a baby from zero. Holding, breast feeding, changing nappies, bathing, we also learnt how not to have enough sleep every night :)
Baby Ollie is well behave, he sleeps quick and not easily distracted by noise, the only thing is he cries very very loud.

Now i rarely have time for myself, because whenever Ollie sleeps, that's my time to sleep too. I really made an effort to write this entry. So that's it for now, have to check on Ollie again :)


Moments said...

I love you honey, and i'm truly blessed to have you as the mother of my son!! God has completed Me with you and Ollie.

uung said...

aaawwww... so sweet.. :) jadi inget pas ogan lahir, kurang lebih sama perasaannya kali ya :p mo dijagal dibelek tapi seneng hihihihihi...