Saturday, June 14, 2008


I made this bag especially for Ka Ira who has been very nice to us :).
She is truly a super woman, helping church the whole day, cook for her family at night and always ready to cook for church when we have special event.

She has been a huge blessing for us, she always remember me and Indra whenever she cook and we always always get free food!! :P. She also help us in a lot of things. I regard her as my Aussie mum, not because of her age of course, but because of her love and care for me. My mom lives far far away from me, but i thank God for Ka Ira's presence in our lives, i won't be able to write down everything she has done for me, but trust me, she has done A LOT!!!

I know she loves pink and red very much, so i only hope that she likes this bag :).


Anonymous said...

You are a SPECIAL person, so you deserve them. I love the bag, even though i have not seen it. Cant wait to use it. Thank you for all the nice words. I am so touched.


uung said...

bagus bangeeed........