Thursday, June 5, 2008


You may believe it or not, but when i took the spiritual gift test, i had several result and one of them is serving. I serve God and church for several years in several ways, like ushering, singing and currently as a treasurer. But somehow i dont get the fulfilment of serving, i thought 'what am i missing?', i suppose to feel happy and joy when i serve, since one of my gift is serving.

Then i realised my serving gift is not in term of serving church in anyway possible, but more specific. I'd love to do community service like opening a soup kitchen, distributing a free clothing to the needy, helping the elderly do their groceries, or delivering meals to their homes, you know..those kind of things.

Currently, our church doesnt have the capacity or the man power to do these things, I would love to see this happening in 5 years, for me being a blessing to other people is not merely giving them theory about Christianity, stuff them up with the word of God, they need something that is applicable for them, something that relevant to their needs. We have to be able to see what their needs, and i think in today's world, LOVE is the one they seek. Acceptance and understanding to their limitation, even just being there for them at the right time is something powerful.

People sometimes make it too complicated on how to reach others, they set a top strategy and provides various facilities to attract them, until they lost the core and basic value of human's need, which is LOVE. It's not hard to provide LOVE for others, they dont need our facilities and strategies, all they need is for us to be there for them and LOVE them.

It's time to put Christianity value into action not theory only.

Well, that's just my little thought, hope there are some people out there that have the same thought and passion as me. I've been blessed abundantly and it's time to pass my blessing to others :)

1 comment:

Moments said...

I agree with you honey. That is what our church need at the moment. I believe GOD is smiling wider if we do put love into action for other people. I love you, and I'm so proud of you.