Thursday, September 30, 2010


In our family, we have a tradition of shaving baby's hair when they are 30 days old. Back in Indonesia, the family usually sends out red dyed eggs to relatives and friends, but over here in Australia, i cant afford sending out 30 eggs to each person! so, i ordered cupcakes instead :)

Ollie has been good so far, he drinks a lot and i think he gained quite a lot too. He also managed to sleep longer at night, not every night yet, but hopefully it will very soon :P. My mom is here until the end of October so i got a lot of help in term of washing, cooking, cleaning even carrying Ollie. It's normal for my mom to be so excited over Ollie as he is her first grandchild, she would carry Ollie all the time, pick him up over small things, and now i have to rock him to sleep. Im trying to tell her not to rock him too much, but i guess she just loves him too much :D

Anyway, here is Ollie's 1 month photo, i will try my best to take his monthly photo.


uung said...

bau tangan yaa??? wakakkaka... ogan juga sampe sekarang kalo liat emaknya tangannya langsung ngacung minta gendong

Educational toys said...

Educational toys can serve the early Pre-school years before formal education because it’s the most formative for children. Their little minds are wide open and ready to accept any knowledge and information that they are subjected to EDU FUN believes that enhancing and advancing children’s development .

lin lin said...

mau dapetin uang jutaan rupiah hanya dengan uang 10.000 COBA DI SINI YU