Sunday, March 30, 2008


I went to Ka Ira's garage sale on Saturday morning. Man it was a huge garage sale :P
Ka Ira had these all pretty things for sale and being a very very generous person, she gave me some of her things for free :)

She gave me this golden classic mirror, which i adore so much. First when she gave me this, i didn't have a clue where to put, since my house is dominated by modern and brown furniture. After i got home, i tried finding a perfect spot for this beautiful mirror, and this is the result:

And this is in our bedroom.
With my kebaya pre-wedding photo, rattan storage and bronze table runner, the mirror sits perfectly.
From then on, we call it our 'Javanesse corner' :P.


Moments said...

Honey... you are really multi-talented!!! I'm very proud of you!! luv ya!!

kezia*anastasia said...

that mirror sure is a perfect match for your room! so loving it!

Zsa Zsa said...

very nice!